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How to Choose a Family Lawyer


If you’re embroiled in a family issue that requires legal proceedings to resolve, such as divorce, adoption, paternity and the like, your first logical step to take is to seek legal representation. Regardless of the specific details of your case, having a good lawyer by your side will help you achieve the best possible outcome. The question is, how do you choose a good family lawyer?


Case-Specific Experience


All lawyers have a degree in law and most will probably have considerable experience practicing their profession. However, not all of them will be right for you. You don’t just need a family lawyer, but one who has a good track record of success handling cases that are similar to yours. 


Personal Recommendations and Research


Ask people around you for any personal recommendations they might make. But again, don’t forget that you want a family law expert who has vast experience working with a case like yours. You can ask friends, family members, coworkers or even your neighbors if they can refer you to anyone they know is good. Of course, you can also research online for prospects in your area. Reviews are helpful, but make sure you stick to well-known third-party websites (Angie’s List, Yelp, etc.) for neutrality. Visit for helpful information.


Free Consultation


Most lawyers offer a free initial consultation, so make sure to take advantage of this. It’s a perfect opportunity to gauge whether or not the lawyer is right for you. They may have a reputation for being the best in town, but if you don’t get along well, they’re still not the best for you. You’ll be spending a good amount of time with this professional, so being comfortable with each other will make a huge contribution to the success of your cause.


The Team


If you’re hiring a big law firm, you will basically work with more than one person instead of just the attorney from If that’s the case, it’s important to know everyone who’s in the team. It’s also crucial that you know who your direct contact will be. This will make sure you get regular updates about your case without a hassle.




Finally, while cost should never be your deciding factor when choosing a lawyer, it’s an important issue nonetheless. Make sure you know all the fees and other costs that come with working with the lawyer. This is one of the reasons you should consider not just one spokane divorce attorney but at least two or three more. It’s good to be able to compare before deciding which one is the best for you.

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